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Look Into My Eyes


Lana Wilson


Kyle Martin, Lana Wilson


Hannah Buck


Stephen Maing

Look Into My Eyes gives us an intimate view of psychics in New York City. Over a series of interviews and with a camera that is not afraid to get up close and personal, Wilson highlights the ins and outs of being a psychic and what that entails, while constructing a tender portrayal of the clients. A thoughtfully paced and oftentimes deeply personal piece, it unfolds the grief, turmoil, and loneliness that come along with being a human. On the flip side, the joys of gaining clarity, achieving closure, and even having a pet are experienced.

Courtesy of A24

Post-screening discussion with director Lana Wilson, moderated by Hanna Rosin, Senior Editor and Host of Radio Atlantic.

Director, Look Into My Eyes

Lana Wilson is a director and writer. Previous work includes After Tiller (Sundance 2013, Emmy Award for Best Documentary), The Departure (2017 Independent Spirit Award nominee for Best Documentary), Miss Americana (Sundance 2020, Netflix), and Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields (Sundance 2023, Emmy Award nominee for Outstanding Directing).