Associated Film:
The Ride Ahead

Dan Habib


Co-director, The Ride Ahead

Dan Habib is the co-director and producer of the Emmy Award-winning New York Times Op-Doc My Disability Roadmap (2022, also a Critics Choice nominee) and the director and producer of Intelligent Lives (2018, America ReFramed), and nationally broadcast (PBS) feature documentaries including Including Samuel, Who Cares About Kelsey?, and Mr. Connolly Has ALS. Habib is the founder of LikeRightNow Films, and his documentaries have been featured at major festivals, including DOC NYC, Hot Docs, and Hot Springs. Habib gave the TEDx talk, “Disabling Segregation” and received the Justice for All Grassroots Award from the American Association of People with Disabilities. In 2014, Habib was appointed by President Obama to the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. He is currently the Inclusive Communities Project Director at the Westchester Institute for Human Development.