The Legacy of Lee’s Flower Shop


Kamilah Thurmon


Rick Lee, Stacie Lee, Kristie Lee


Nora Rappaport


Jon Betz

Lee’s Flower and Card Shop is Washington, DC’s oldest continuously family-owned flower business. Over the years, Lee’s has witnessed many transformations within the DC community. It began on the U Street corridor, also known as Black Broadway, during a time when African-Americans were able to own businesses despite the Jim Crow laws. Throughout its history, Lee’s has endured significant moments in US history, such as the Washington DC riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the George Floyd protests in 2020. Through these events, Lee’s has served the entire community of the nation’s capital, providing flower arrangements for occasions ranging from Mother’s Day celebrations for grandmothers to welcoming international guests on behalf of US Presidents.

Director, The Legacy of Lee's Flower Shop

Kamilah is an Emmy-nominated producer and storyteller with nearly two decades of experience producing unscripted television shows. She has worked in various producer capacities for NBC, HGTV, BET, MTV, VH-1, Bravo, Lifetime, and Oxygen.

Kamilah’s passion is creating content that inspires and encourages people from all walks of life. As a HumanitiesDC grantee and DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities recipient, Kamilah has developed and produced films to document and preserve the stories and memories of DC Communities. In September 2020, the District of Columbia’s Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment (OCTFME) recognized Kamilah as the Filmmaker of the Month.