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I Like it Here


Ralph Arlyck

Executive Producer

Malcolm Pullinger


Ralph Arlyck, Emmet Dotan, Steve Leiber


Emmet Dotan


Ralph Arlyck

We talk or laugh about aging; its irritations and relentless progression, but we rarely confront the reality of dying or being left alone. Nor do we consider the lightness and calmness that can come when the success race seems not so crucial. I Like It Here is about all those things and, finally, about the pleasures of being alive. Filmmaker Ralph Arlyck tries to convey how it feels to be seeing the winding down of your life. He spends time with older friends from his past and present, most of them rather lively, plus children and grandchildren. Woven in with these scenes are personal reflections on the challenges of getting old; of feeling your joints and thoughts stiffen, as the camera confronts – both seriously and humorously — the obstacles that loom up in front of anyone who is on the last lap. The tone of the film isn’t sad; more wistful. The title’s declaration has a double meaning. The “here” that the filmmaker likes is both his immediate rural surroundings (the fields, water and neighbors he sees out his window) – and life itself.


Courtesy of Argot Pictures

Director, I Like It Here

Ralph Arlyck has produced and directed more than a dozen prize-winning, independent films, which have appeared on PBS, the BBC, Arte, screened at the White House, and have played festivals worldwide, including Sundance, New York, London, and Rotterdam. His documentary feature, Following Sean, played theatrically across the United States and on PBS and was nominated for two Emmy awards. Arlyck has also produced Current Events, an examination of the ways people do (or do not) respond to the stream of horrific events on the nightly news, and An Acquired Taste, a wry look at American culture’s obsession with success — considered a classic of independent cinema and personal filmmaking, and called by Vincent Canby in the New York Times, “…a delight…a funny, loving movie”.


Throughout his career, Arlyck has also played a key advocacy role for American independent producers, testifying twice in Congress and once before the Carnegie Commission on the role of independents in public television. He was centrally involved in legislation that first recognized independents as an important force within that system. He is a recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship.